Maple Tonic

As the snow melts and the temperatures rise, so does maple sap. I live in an area where it seems every farm has a maple sugar bush and makes maple syrup. This recipe is for a spring tonic, that includes maple syrup.

What is a spring tonic? The idea was that because people’s diets were poor and life was hard over the long hard winter, in the spring everyone needed a “pick me up”. This was usually a homemade herbal concoction rich in vitamins and minerals, frequently with an ingredient to remove parasites. Gross, I know. I did say life was hard in winter.

Mid-century children were given liquid vitamin mixtures long before chewable or gummy vitamins had been invented. I recall being fed a spoonful a day of one with a very orangey flavour, called Pardec, I believe. But I had friends who had more traditional mothers who gave them tablespoons full of cod liver oil in the late winter or spring.

While this recipe isn’t for children, the idea of a tonic seems perfect for this time of year. Enjoy maple syrup at this sweetest time of year.

Maple Tonic

1/4 cup maple syrup
1/4 cup lime or lemon juice
1 cup light rum
1 cup gin

Combine all ingredients and stir or shake well. Pour over crushed ice into liqueur glasses. Garnish with citrus fruit wedges.

I hope this recipe is a tonic to you!